Category: Volume 9, Issue 1,2015
Hits: 610

During treatment of Libyan hemodialysis patients with recombinant human
erythropoietin (r-HuEPO), this study was conducted at some hospitals of Tripoli to
evaluate the use of this therapeutic agent in maintaining the hemoglobin of such
patients at the target level. A total of 167 patients treated with r-HuEPO at a dose of
150 i.u./kg/week were involved in the present study. Hemoglobin concentration was
measured before and after dosing for a period of 20 weeks. The results show that,
after dosing, the hemoglobin level was increased. The target hemoglobin level (10-12
g/dl) was achieved in about 28 patients (50%) at Tripoli Kidney Center, in 27 patients
(37%) at Zahra Hospital, and only in 14 patients (3%) at Tajoura Hospital. The
present findings show no significant differences (P < 0.05) in hemoglobin level after
dosing between males and females. The use of r-HuEPO as a therapeutic agent in the
control of hemoglobin level among Libyan hemodialysis patients is beneficial and
well tolerated. The accepted and target hemoglobin levels are achieved in most cases
and this allows to conclude that Epoetin alfa (EPREX®) is an effective alternative to
blood transfusion. Although there are differences between hospitals in hemoglobin
levels of patients, but this is a challenge to improve practice not to avoid the use of rHuEPO.
Keywords: Recombinant human erythropoietin, Epoetin alfa, r-HuEPO, hemoglobin,
hemodialysis patients, Libya

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