Category: Volume 8, Issue 2,2014
Hits: 613

To estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its characters
among the admitted adult diabetic patients as defined by the third report of the
national cholesterol education program expert panel on detection, evaluation, and
treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (Adult Treatment Panel III [ATP III]) of
North America. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in diabetic center,
involved 122 aged ≥ 40 years type 2 diabetic patients admitted to the ward, (male,
female) from Jan. – Feb., 2012 living in the city of Tripoli, Libya. The patients were
interviewed after getting a verbal consent, every patient was examined and overnight
fasting blood sample was taken for blood lipid profile measurement, metabolic
syndrome was diagnosed according to NCEP ATPIII criteria. Results: About 77% of
the patients had been diagnosed as the metabolic syndrome according to NCEP
ATPIII criteria, women aged between 50-59 years were more affected than men at
the same age group associated with more significant obesity and abnormal waist
circumference, and statistical significant difference was observed between the two
gender regarding HDL level, and triglyceride level. The most common and the most
important component of metabolic syndrome in the study group were central obesity,
hyperglycemia, and low HDL. Conclusion: metabolic syndrome is common among
type 2 diabetics, with females are significantly more affected than males, the most
significant predictor of metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetic patients in Tripoli is
central obesity and low HDL.
Keywords: Metabolic syndrome, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia.

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