Category: Volume 16 Issue 1
Hits: 1193


This study was conducted to estimate serum level of Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, and
Vitamin C in population suffering from dental caries, and a cross-sectional study was
conducted on a sample of 143 people, males 43.356% and females 56.643%,with average age
27.72 y. Data was collected from a questionnaire and clinical examination and analyzed to
determine the rate of dental caries (D.M.F.T.I), and blood samples were drawn. The result
found that the prevalence of caries was high 86.014%, and the average( DMFTI) for each
sample was 8.1, and there was an effect of age on dental caries, as the highest indicators of
infection were found in the age group (38-48), and their average ( D.M.F.T.I) was 11.3684.
Also there was a differences between females and males in the results of the ( D.M.F.T.I) ,
and its average in females was 7.81 higher than the average in males, which was 5.68.
Moreover, the differences in the averages of the elements included in the study were studied
(Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, and Vitamin C), the result shows that there was no differences
between females and males in the averages of mineralents in the blood serum. On the other
hand, serum level of vitamin was higher in females (16.16 in Females and 13.20 in males).
Finally, the study concluded that , serum level of potassium, sodium had an impact on the
results of( D.M.F.T.I)


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